Everything you need to know about economics can be found in Shakira lyrics...
On scarcity and insatiability:You can have it all, anything you want you can make it yours. Anything you want in the world, anything you want in the world. Nothing to big or small, anything you want you can make it yours. Anything you want in the world, anything you want in the world.
(Give It Up To Me)
On capitalism:Refugees run the seas 'cause we own our own boats.
(Hips Don't Lie)
On macroeconomics:Did it again love, I got it all wrong, but it felt so right, I can't believe it.
And all the mistakes that went on for too long, wish there was a way I could delete it.
(Did It Again)
On contract theory:I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
Never made agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down 'cause life's already bit me.
On recessions:Todo en un desorden infernal
Que se iba a convertir en un desempleado mas
De la tasa que anualmente esta creciendo sin parar
(Everything in infernal disorder, unemployment growing each year without stopping)
(Octavo Dia)
On private property:For you I'd give up all I own and move to a communist country.
(Don't Bother)
On monetary policy:Mientras tanto este mundo gira y gira
Sin poderlo detener
Y aqui abajo unos cuantos nos manejan
Como fichas de ajedrez
(Meanwhile the world turns and turns with no way to stop it.
And here below a few manage us like chess pieces.)
(Octavo Dia)
On gift-exchange economies:Te regalo mis silencios. Te regalo mi nariz.
Yo te doy hasta mis huesos, pero quedate aqui.
(I give you my silences. I give you my nose. I even give you my bones, so long as you stay here.)
On forecasting:Un dia despues de la tormenta, cuando menos piensas sale el sol.
Cuando menos piensas sale el sol.
(One day after the storm, when you least expect it, the sun comes out.
When you least expect it, the sun comes out.)
(Sale el Sol)
On labor and leisure:El octavo dia Dios despues de tanto trabajar
Para liberar tensiones luego ya de revisar
Dijo todo esta muy bien es hora de descansar
Y se fue a dar un paseo por el espacio sideral.
(On the eighth day, God, after much work
To release tensions
Said everything is very well this is the hour to rest
And he went for a walk in outer space)
(Octavo Dia)
On depreciation:The ring you gave to her will lose its shine.
(Don't Bother)
On risk aversion:And I say, hey you, you're no fool
If you say no, ain't it just the way life goes
People fear what they don't know
Come along for the ride, oh, yeah
On globalization:Rock it out and rock it in from Dublin to Babylon.
Jump it out and jump it in from Kingston to Providence land.
(Un Poco de Amor)
On history:Cada dia que pasa es uno mas parecido a ayer.
(Each day is another one like yesterday).
On time inconsistent preferences:Tu mordiste la manzana y renunciaste al paraÃso
y condenaste a una serpiente siendo tu el que asà lo quiso.
Por milenios y milenios permaneciste desnudo
y te enfrentaste a dinosaurios bajo un techo y sin escudo.
Y ahora estas aquà queriendo ser feliz,
cuando no te importo un pepino tu destino.
(You bit the apple and renounced paradise
and condemned a serpent just because you were the one that wanted it that way.
For thousands of years you remained naked
And you faced dinosaurs under a roof and without a shield.
And now you’re here wanting to be happy
when your destiny was worthless to you.)
(Pies Descalzos Suenos Blancos)
On consumer theory:No puede ser nada normal acabar eligiendo tan mal
Se siente tan bien todo lo que hace mal
Y contigo nunca es suficiente
(It can't be normal to keep choosing so poorly. Everything that feels good is bad for you.
And with you nothing is ever enough.)
(Lo Hecho Está Hecho)
On Behavioral Economics (I):Loca loca loca, la loca, la loca!
On behavioral economics (II):My will and self-restraint
Have come to fail now, fail now
See, I'm doing what I can, but I can't so you know
That's a bit too hard to explain
On behavioral economics (III):I can't help it baby, Ahh fool, I'm a fool, I'm a fool!
On economists:You were so full of yourselves. But damn were you cute as well.
(Did It Again)